Join us on June 27, 2024 at 9:00AM EDT, for a public webinar titled "State of Global Air 2024: Exploring Trends in Air Quality and Health Impacts Around the World". The webinar will focus on the newly released SoGA 2024 report which brings into one place a comprehensive analysis of the levels and trends in air quality and health for countries around the globe.
This year's report presents information on exposures to, and health impacts from pollutants including fine particulate matter, ozone, and for the first time, nitrogen dioxide. This report was produced in partnership with UNICEF and focused on children's health.
The webinar will present key findings, including the impacts of air pollution on children’s health, and we’ll hear from the HEI's Head of Global Health, IHME, and UNICEF on the key findings, air pollution's impact on children's health, and the relevance of this new data.